Build My S10 (cont'd)

S10C - Choose between Scotch Tension and Irish Tension
You have chosen a Double Treadle system, now its time to choose your tension system. The back post kit shown on the left is common for all variations of the S10C. It is part # is SC0101.
Scotch tension is defined as providing tension to the flyer where as Irish Tension is defined as providing brake tension to the bobbin. The two different tensions systems are ultimately simply different ways of accomplishing the same thing, however, many feel that Scotch Tension allows finer increments of brake tension thus greater control of applied tension. With that said, there are many excellent spinners who can spin the finest of yarns on IrT wheels, so its really on the spinner and what you are comfortable with.
Now choose your tension system!

Irish tension Head
SC0107 is the part # for the IrT head.
You will need this for any version of the IrT S10C